Work Examples
Here are some examples of the wide variety of project I have worked on – everything from marketing brochures and magazines to classic boxed games, F2P browser games, and mobile games. Once in a while I help out at the famous University of Applied Sciences Technikum Wien and lecture at the German Games Academy and the SRH in Heidelberg. I also regularly work for the Bayern Kapital, a public Bavarian venture capital company. Some of the games I worked on, together with a team of highly talented individuals. More to come.
And here are some, but surely not all, of the publications I worked on.
Something special
I am proud of everything I did so far, but here is some stuff I am particularly happy about.
Thaumistry: In Charm's Way
What did I do?
Producing, some technical development and consulting, like setting up the websites. Helping out during the successful Kickstarter-Campaign. Working on virtual feelies. Developed by: Bob Bates, Washington DC, USA. Customer: BobBates LLC.
What did I do?
I did the QA of the German ROM, but never wanted any credit for it. I was just happy that somehow Sega had a heart for German gamers. Customer: SEGA
Star Trek: New Adventures
What did I do?
Working with CBS, Denise & Michael Okuda, Lee Sheldon and an extremely talented developer in San Rafael, I worked mainly as a producer. Developed by: Mindcontrol, San Rafael, CA, USA. Customer: Gameforge.
Horse Club ™ Adventure
What did I do?
A lot. From working with Schleich, helping with contractual work to delivering ideas, funding, and working on missions, quests, and the overall design. Not to mention submission work with the platform owners. Developed by: Wild River Games, Munich, Germany. Customer: Wild River Games.
Game Developer Magazin
What did I do?
The very first german magazine for game developers in Germany. With the official licence from the original Game Developer Magazine. Alas, it was way too early for a magazine like this at the time. But I am proud of it! Developed & published by: Das Trickwerk, Freising, Germany
Zelda: Majora's Mask Spieleberater
What did I do?
The first strategy guide for a Nintendo game not done by Nintendo itself. I am not only extremely proud of this fact, but I also had a chance to play a Zelda game before anyone else. That was fun and exciting. Customer: Nintendo Developed by: Das Trickwerk, Freising, Germany
Diablo II Brochure
What did I do?
We did everything: Conception, writing, layout, and production. This was a highly appraised and groundbreaking brochure for that time. Extremely high production value, fitting a high-class game. Customer: Blizzard Developed by: Das Trickwerk, Freising, German
Tomb Raider: Hint Guides
What did I do?
With over half a million copies sold, the Tomb Raider 2 hint guide was one of the top-selling strategy guides of its time. Working on guides for all the classical Tomb Raider games was fun and challenging at the same time. In total, I worked on 30+ guides. Sometimes under rather difficult circumstances, I might add. Customer: Eidos